In childhood, our brains and bodies are not fully developed or mature, meaning that we often lack the capacity to fully process or understand the experiences we go through As a result, the emotional energy from those experiences can end up stored somewhere in the recesses of our minds and bodies. Despite this accumulation, we continue to cope, survive, and move forward, often without realizing the unprocessed emotions we’re carrying.
As we grow older, our life experiences multiply, and with them, the emotional energies tied to those moments. These stored emotions can build up, much like pressure in a pressure cooker. One of the most common and intense forms of stored energy is anger. Anger is often an energy that gets shut down early in life; we're taught not to express it, so instead, we suppress it. Over time, this unexpressed anger can become unmanageable, eventually spilling over in ways that impact our lives and relationships.
This is where anger management therapy often comes into play. Anger management therapy teaches us how to handle the visible symptoms of anger, helping us regain a sense of control. Yet, while it can be effective in managing these outward expressions, it doesn’t necessarily resolve the underlying causes of anger. The stored anger and its root causes still remain, meaning they can resurface or trigger us again in the future.
Anger resolution, on the other hand, offers a deeper approach. Rather than focusing solely on managing the anger, anger resolution involves processing unresolved experiences and emotions, including those related to difficult relationships or current &/or childhood events. This approach encourages a client to fully confront and process the emotional energy attached to past experiences until it’s fully discharged. When this happens, the experiences themselves are genuinely resolved, and there's no residual anger left to manage.
This discharge of anger energy reduces emotional triggers and fosters a greater sense of inner peace. With anger no longer buried within, you’re able to experience life more freely, feel better and function more effectively in your daily interactions.
Techniques used for anger management include the BARS / Unblocking / Traumatic Incident Reduction - TIR / EMDR / EFT Therapy
Ezreena will help to identify any highly charged topics; then she would ask you a series of questions that get you thinking differently about the topic - this process illuminates the root of the anger and has you process that anger out!
Unblocking often takes 1-3, 90 minute sessions, depending on how much stuff is suppressed.