Are you frustrated with your current Financial Reality?
Did you know that your points of view create your reality?
So if you don't like your financial reality, you need to examine your beliefs about Money!
This workshop is about illuminating the points of view you have about Money, that are limiting you!
When you identify these beliefs - you can change them!
Ezreena will use Access Consciousness clearing statements to unlock and clear the points of view so that you can:
CREATE more money
GENERATE greater sources of income, and
RECEIVE more money when it actually shows up
* When you register and pay..... the process begins..... even before the workshop begins
* There is parking along Leon avenue. Metered parking is until 6pm. After 6pm is free.
* Bring a bottle of water to assist the clearing of old energy
This workshop is a practical way to use money to your advantage by learning how it works.
It includes:
TIPS: little ways that go a long way
CONCEPTS: money concepts that empower you to generate more money
STRATEGIES: learn how to do things that work, like pay off debt faster and how to make your money grow
Right and wrong, good and bad, POD and POC, all 100, shorts, boys, POVADs, creations, bases and beyonds
The potency of the Access Consciousness Clearing Statement is its capacity to clear the hidden stuff that you aren’t even aware of that is keeping you stuck!
It clears the energy underneath the words. It is a simple tool that thousands of people around the world use every day to change almost anything that is keeping them stuck, limited or tied up in knots.
"right, wrong
good, bad
pod, poc
all 100
bases and
This clearing statement brings up the energy of your limitation (what is sticking you) and energetically breaks it apart so you can clear it!
When you clear it, you make room for a new point of view.
What point of view would you like, to create the world you desire?